May 20: Happy World Bee Day!

Health & Nature, Magazine

May 20: Happy World Bee Day!

Happy World Bee Day!

A world without bees is unthinkable

The importance of bees as pollinators for biodiversity and food security is fundamental to humanity. The General Assembly of the United Nations has declared May 20 as World Bee Day. With this the international community also underlines the recognition of the decline in the global bee population and the urgent need to protect bees.
Logo Bee Saver Education Project


No life without bees

We encounter their great achievements every day: bees provide our food and health. Their buildings and their social behaviour are drivers of innovation in technology and information technology for us. Hardly any animal has accompanied the development of mankind as long as the bee has. In the long term, the protection and use of bees can help to reduce poverty and hunger and to maintain a healthy environment and biodiversity. Now the bees are in danger and with it the chances for sustainable development.

75 percent of global food crops depend on pollination, especially by bees. We now use over 50,000 bee-pollinated plant species for medicinal purposes alone. It is impossible to imagine aircraft and vehicle construction without the honeycomb structure of bees. The highly efficient way of collecting the workers of a bee colony is a model for logistics processes, computer programs and social networks.

To remind us of the importance of the bee for mankind, the United Nations has proclaimed May 20 as World Bee Day. The bee plays a key role in nature and also in our everyday life. Even when the mobile phone vibrates, it is BeeTec. So think of our bees when your smartphone is ‘buzzing’. The buzzing is your wake-up call to do something for bees and humans!

Why May 20th?
Logo of the World Bee Day Initiative
The World Bee Day Initiative

Anton Janscha was born on 20 May 1734 in Bresniza and was a Slovenian court beekeeper to Maria Theresa in Vienna. He is regarded as the inventor of the first doorframe operation and was the headmaster of the world’s first modern beekeeping school. He is the author of numerous books on beekeeping and beekeeping. In 2014, the Slovenian Beekeepers Association launched the World Bee Day initiative with the support of the Government of Slovenia. With success: the United Nations has proclaimed 20 May 2018 as UN World Bee Day.



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